My Everyday Hijab Tutorial: Under One-Minute


I have been wearing this style since I started donning the Hijab in 2011. I have perfected it to under a minute and without looking into the mirror, like in this tutorial. Yes. It was done without looking into the mirror because that's how easy this style is. It also explains why I wear it almost all the time!

The semester is starting tomorrow, and I decided to share this style with everyone because it's super easy and quick that you can even do it in class a few seconds before the lecturer comes in on those days that you are running late. 

What I love about this style is that you can wear your spectacles with it and it will not get ruined. And for medic students? It's super easy to wear your stethoscope with this style. My sister, a medical student herself, wears this style all the time during her ward rounds and even to exams. She wears it everyday, like me.

In this tutorial, I used a very basic black chiffon shawl, around 180cm x 55cm. You can buy this anywhere, even on Jalan TAR for about RM10. You need 3 pins but I used 4. The last one, the one i put at the top my head, is to ensure that it doesn't fly off when there's strong wind. Do watch the video in HD.
Step 1: Put the hijab on. One side short and one side long.
Step 2: Take the short side, pull it over the neck and pin it to secure.
Step 3: Take the long side and put it over your head. I like it when it hides the other layer to make it look neat throughout the day.
Step 4: Pin on both sides. You can place the pin in front of your ears or behind them. I place them in front of my ears, so that it doesn't fly off when there's strong wind. You're done here if you only have 3 pins. The next step is just an additional one to, again, secure from strong wind.
Step 5: Pin on top of your head.

I promise you that this is super easy and a life saver. I am used to going to class from morning till night (co-co activities included) and sometimes, I'll even attend events in between. Not to mention my internship with Sime-Darby that enAnd I don't ever need to re-do my hijab in a day. And even if I have to re-do it? It takes less than a minute without a mirror.

Hope this tutorial would help all of you girls that live life in the fast lane, like me. Here are some photos of me in this hijab style:

My sister and I wore the same hijab style when we met Taylor Swift

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